This is FItbox

Climb Higher

what we do

What is inside a fitbox?

PRemium apparel

We choose the best apparel for the price. We search through 20+ high quality retailers so that we select only the best to put in our boxes.

Awesome suppliments

Each Box contains a variety of different premium supplements for you to try and use before, during, and after your workouts.

free extras

In each Box we include a few extra pieces of loot for you to put on your dash, phone, desk, or wrist.

What box do I choose

Choose what box best suites you

Beast stack

Our Cheaper option for only $15 / month gives you 2 premium supplements and a single piece of apparel, of course with a few extras.

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Monster stack

In our premium box we include five premium supplements, two pieces of apparel, and tons of extras in each box for a decent $25 / month.

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Here are a few of our affiliate athletes


Want to climb up and be the best athlete you can be? FitBOX is for you. We deliver you the best of the fitness industries supplements straight to your doorstep. These small samples allow you to figure out what works best for you and your physiology. These supplements can then be ordered through us for a huge discount included with your FitBOX subscription.


Want to climb up and be the best athlete you can be? FitBOX is for you. We deliver you the best of the fitness industries supplements straight to your doorstep. These small samples allow you to figure out what works best for you and your physiology. These supplements can then be ordered through us for a huge discount included with your FitBOX subscription.


Want to climb up and be the best athlete you can be? FitBOX is for you. We deliver you the best of the fitness industries supplements straight to your doorstep. These small samples allow you to figure out what works best for you and your physiology. These supplements can then be ordered through us for a huge discount included with your FitBOX subscription.